Specific. Meaningful. Branded to your business.

Your logo is a visual synopsis (or snapshot) of your company. It’s a key component of your brand and should be thoughtfully designed. After all, it will appear on your website, business cards and marketing swag.

SuburbanBuzz is in the Branding Business

Boutiques. Med spas. Realtors. Oil & gas firms. Political candidates. Attorneys. Plumbers.  We design logos for everyone.

We are creatives who care about the impression you seek to make among target audiences. Our graphic design team is led by our founder Holly Chervnsik, who has a Master’s Degree in applied graphic design. We have created hundreds of custom logos for clients across all industries.

Your Logo

It matters who designs your logo. You want a top-notch creative who can capture the heart and soul of your business. Hire us for all your branding needs!

Your Marketing Swag

SuburbanBuzz assists clients with their print marketing, starting with your logo on business cards and letterhead, and extending to marketing give-aways. Your branding may appear on billboards… and tee-shirts. Make sure you choose a branding company that understands (and embraces) the creative elements needed to make a statement. SuburbanBuzz in the intelligent choice for all your branding needs!

For more information, email info@suburbanbuzz.com  or call 281-615-9032.
