SuburbanBuzz welcomes David Meredith, VP of Marketing
Since 2009 SuburbanBuzz has proudly provided our clients with professional, top-notch web development, graphic design, publishing and marketing services. While we have always offered marketing to our clients, we have decided to rip the lid off and provide full-scale digital marketing, branding and advertising to you, our loyal and special clients!
Meet Dave Meredith, a San Diego, California native and Social Marketing guru. As a University of San Francisco alumni, he ventured straight into marketing in the corporate and non-profit world. Wanting to get back to his roots of serving people instead of corporations, Dave makes an outstanding addition to SuburbanBuzz. Dave lives locally in the heart of Katy, TX and is a proud father of two beautiful girls.
Whether it’s marketing, advertising, branding or consulting, we now offer full-scale marketing packages to meet all of your marketing needs.
Contact David Meredith at or call 832-USA-BUZZ (872-2899) and ask how you can receive a limited time FREE featured business directory listing!